Family members of a third country national wishing to join him/her in Slovakia for a period longer than 90 days have to apply for a temporary residence for the purpose of family reunion. In accordance with the current regulations, following persons are seen as family members of a third country national:
Applicants have to apply in person at the Slovak at the embassy/consulate competent for their country or at a competent foreign police office in Slovakia.
The application may be submitted at the competent Foreign Police Department in Slovakia only if the applicant is:
Applicants have to submit a complete application with all the required documents; otherwise, it will not be accepted. If the embassy or the police department does not accept your application, they will notify you in writing of the documents you need to enclose so that it can be accepted. Once the temporary residence is granted, the police department will send you a written notice, stating the effective and expiry date.
completed offical application form “Application for the temporary residence”
2 recent full‑face photographs 3 × 3.5 cm
valid passport
document proving the purpose of the stay - declaring the relationship with the third country national (so-called warrantor), e.g. a marriage certificate, birth certificate (apostilled or superlegalised) and if necessary, another document proving the third country national is considered a family member (e.g. a proof of dependency)
None of the documents proving the purpose of the stay, financial resources, accommodation and no criminal record can be older than 90 days on the day of submitting the application for a temporary residence; except for a marriage/birth certificate.
Copies of the documents must be notarised.
Within 90 days from the date of submitting a complete application, the foreign police office shall issue a decision. If applying for a temporary residence directly at a Foreign police office in Slovakia, the officers will ask you to provide a mobile phone number (you can write the number on your application). You will be notified by a text message in Slovak when your residence card is ready at the foreign police office (typically within 90 days). You will be able to collect the residence card at the foreign police office in person or have it sent bz regular mail, or you can appoint somebody else with a power of attorney to do it for you. When applying for a temporary residence from abroad via a representative body, it is advised to consult with them the way of notification on granting the residence as well as the collection of the residence card.
Once you are granted a temporary residence, you are obliged to submit a document proving your health insurance within 30 days from the collection of your residence card. The health insurance contracts in another language than Slovak (except for Czech) must be translated to Slovak by a sworn translator. In case you do not have health insurance covering your stay in Slovakia, you have to obtain it within 3 working days after you collect your residence card. Moreover, you have to submit a medical certificate confirming that you do not suffer from any exotic disease threatening public health within 30 days from the collection of your residence card. The certificate cannot be older than 30 days. It can be obtained in specific medical centres only and a fee will be charged.
The police department shall grant a temporary residence for the purpose of family reunification for the period of validity of the temporary residence of the person to be joined, but not more than for five years. In general, the family member can undertake business activities in the Slovak territory. For employment conditions, see the section A job for your spouse.
You will be required to submit a medical certificate confirming that you do not suffer from any exotic disease threatening public health within 30 days from the collection of your residence card. The certificate cannot be older than 30 days. It can be obtained in specific medical centres only and a fee will be charged.
10 € for issuance of the residence card (within 30 days), 39 € (within 2 business days)
200 € for the temporary residence application
Temporary residence for the purpose of employment may be renewed for a maximum period 5 years.
The application for renewal of temporary residence must be submitted in person on the official form at the competent Foreign Police Department no later than the last day of validity period of the current temporary residence. The temporary residence is considered legal (only) in the territory of the Slovak Republic until the decision on its renewal is made.
It is required that the purpose for which the temporary residence permit has been grated still lasts.
The applicant has to submit:
The foreign police department shall make a decision on your application within 90 days from the date of submission.
Administrative fee 66€
Administrative fee 4,50€ (for residence card)
Affidavit TEMPLATES are available HERE