Medical centres relevant for a temporary residence
Once granted the temporary residence in Slovakia, a third country national has to submit a medical certificate confirming that he/she does not suffer from any disease threatening public health. Only the following medical centres can issue such a certificate accepted by Slovak Foreign Police:
Bratislava region
- Poliklinika cudzokrajných chorôb, ZAMA, s.r.o. (Exotic Diseases Clinic), Contact details: Americké námestie 3, Bratislava, Tel: +421 2 529 25 688, Fax: +421 2 529 62 732,,
- Inštitút očkovania a cestovnej medicíny s.r.o. (Institute of Vaccination and Travel Medicine), Contact details: Teslova 33, Bratislava, Tel: +421 2 446 35 473, Mobile: +421 915 889 054,,
- Medicínske zariadenie Mlynská Dolina, s.r.o., Contact details: Staré Grunty 56, 841 08 Bratislava, tel:+421 2 3231 3020, +421 910 911 230
- Travel Health Clinic s. r. o., Tehelná 3120/26, 831 03 Bratislava – Nové Mesto.
Nitra region:
- Infekčná klinika, Ambulancia pre cudzokrajné choroby Fakultnej nemocnice Nitra (Nitra Faculty Hospital, Exotic Diseases Clinic), Contact details: Špitálska 6, Nitra, Tel: +421 37 6545 955,,
- Expat Clinic s. r. o., ambulancia infektológie a cestovnej medicíny, Hornočermánska 806/4, 949 01 Nitra, Branch office: Nemocnica Zlaté Moravce, Bernolákova 4, Pavilón č. 4, 2. floor
- Nemocnica Komárno s. r. o., Mederčská č. 39, 945 05 Komárno,
- Travel Health Clinic s. r. o., Tehelná 26, 831 03 Bratislava, Branch office:
Špitálska 13, 949 01 Nitra.
Trenčín region:
Žilina region:
- Klinika infektológie a cestovnej medicíny Univerzitnej nemocnice Martin (University Hospital, Infectology and Travel Medicine Clinic), contact details: Kollárova 2, Martin, Tel: +421 43 420 3637, Tel: +421 43 420 3386,,
- Inštitút očkovania a cestovnej medicíny s.r.o., ŽILPO, s.r.o. (Institute of Vaccination and Travel Medicine), contact details: Vysokoškolákov 31, Žilina, Mobile: +421 917 131 479,
Banská Bystrica region:
Košice region:
- Klinika infektológie a cestovnej medicíny Univerzitnej nemocnice L. Pasteura (Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Košice, Infectology and Travel Medicine Clinic), contact details: Rastislavova 43, Košice, Tel: +421 55 6152200, Tel: +421 55 6152201,,
- Stredisko cestovnej medicíny – Infektologická ambulancia (Travel Medicine Centre - Infectology Clinic), LV-Medical, s.r.o., contact details: Gemerská 3, Košice, tel.: +421 55 62 50 555,,
- Nemocnica s poliklinikou Štefana Kukuru Michalovce a. s., Špitálska 2,
071 01 Michalovce
You can check for updates at the webpage of the Ministry of Interior (in the bottom of the page)
Note: The medical checks for the purpose of the temporary residence are a paid service. The costs of the certificate vary depending upon the medical centre. Contact the particular centre in advance for precise information (count with about 112–269 €). Be aware of the fact that the staff it the ambulance often communicates in Slovak only, so if you think that you will not be able to communicate with them somehow, ask somebody to go with you.