Temporary residence for the purpose of special activity


  • lecturers /university teachers/ researchers for whom National visa in the interest of the Slovak Republic is not applicable and researchers without a Hosting Agreement or an employment contract. 
  • participants of exchange/mobility programmes for whom National visa in the interest of the Slovak Republic is not applicable
  • interns studying at higher education institutions outside Slovakia or within two years of completing such studies



  • completed official application form  "Application for the temporary residence", accessed at the website of the Ministry of Interior of SR if submitting the application at the competent embassy of SR; if applying for the residence permit directly at the Forein Police Department in Slovakia, the application is accessed and generated via the Booking system),
  • one recent full-face photograph 3 x 3,5 cm,
  • valid passport (the police officer will make a copy of it),
  • document proving the purpose of your stay:
      • lecturers: a confirmation from your host university/education institution that you will carry out the activities of a university teacher/lecturer (e.g. invitation letter for a lecture stay),
      • participants in exchange/mobility programmes of the Government of SR or EU that are not eligible form National scholarship programme in the interest of the Slovak Republic: confirmation from a state authority (the competent ministry) in charge of a programme or a confirmation from an organisation administering such a programme under a contract with a competent state authority (e.g. scholarship award letter, confirmation of lecturing/research activity within a governmental/EU programme),
      • participants in a programme arising from an international agreement: international agreement or a confirmation from a state authority (the competent ministry) in charge of a programme or a confirmation from an organisation administering such a programme under a contract with a competent state authority (e.g. scholarship award letter, confirmation of lecturing/research activity within an international programme),
      • interns: a certificate of internship containing a description of the training program, including the training objective, the duration of the training, the conditions of placement and supervision of the traineeship, the internship working time and the legal relationship between the intern and the receiving organisation,
  • document proving sufficient financial resources for your stay – a letter of award stating the amount of your scholarship (in case of participants in governmental/EU programmes, a document proving the purpose of the stay, if it contains information about the financial coverage provided), or bank account statement for the last three months on your name. The amount of financial means must be at least the minimum subsistence amount (As of July 1, 2024 it represents € 273.99) for each month of your stay,
  • criminal record extract (apostilled or superlegalised) from your country of origin and from every country where you have stayed for more than 90 days during six consecutive months within the last 3 years,
  • interns also: declaration of the receiving organisation to cover the costs associated with the potential administrative expulsion,
  • interns also: either a university diploma not older than two years at the time of applying for a temporary residence, together with a decision on a recognition of the diploma or a certificate of current studies issued by the higher education institution, whereby the traineeship must correspond to the achieved/current higher education,
  • document proving your accommodation for at least six months of the temporary residence; in the case of a shorter stay, it is necessary to provide a proof of accommodation for the whole stay, e.g.:

● a confirmation from the accommodation facility,
● a rental agreement (with notarized signatures),
● an affidavit on the provision of accommodation (with a notarized signature).

A proof of accommodation is not required in case the purpose of your stay is a participation in a governmental/EU programme, the fulfilment of a commitment of the Slovak Republic under an international treaty or an internship.

Each document issued in a language other than Slovak (except for documents issued in Czech) has to be translated to Slovak by an official translator. The list of official translators can be found HERE. In case the translation is done abroad, the competence of the translator must be attested by the Slovak embassy/consulate.

None of the documents proving the purpose of your stay (except for the international agreement), financial resources, accommodation or criminal record extract can be older than 90 days on the day of submitting the application for a temporary residence.



You have to submit a medical certificate confirming that you do not suffer from any disease threatening public health within 30 days from the collection of your residence card. The certificate CANNOT be older than 30 days. It can be obtained in specific medical centres only and a fee will be charged.

  • 140 EUR for the application for a temporary residence for the purpose of a special activity (100 EUR in case of an application submitted at the embassy/consulate of the Slovak Republic)
  • 50 EUR for the application for a renewal of the temporary residence

NO Fee (exempted from the obligation to pay the application and the renewal fee)

  • applicants for a temporary residence for the purpose of a special activity who are participating in a governmental/EU programme as well as those whose activity in Slovakia is resulting from an international agreement 
  • interns who are receiving a scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport or a scholarship under an international agreement, as well as the foreign language lecturers coming to Slovak schools within programmes arising from international agreements 
  • applicants who are pedagogic staff or university teachers 


Residence card

  • 10 EUR for the issuance of residence card (issued within 30 days).
  • 39 EUR (within two working days).