Foreigners may be asked to enclose an official invitation validated by a police authority to their visa application. It is necessary to verify this obligation with the embassy/consulate of the Slovak Republic in your home country. The invitation can be replaced by the Hosting Agreement in the case of a research stay.
Note: Invitation in the Schengen visa granting procedure ≠ invitation letter (acceptance letter), in which a hosting institution agrees with the realisation of a scholarship or research stay, nor an invitation to an educational/research event.
The request to verify an invitation can be submitted by an inviting person:
Slovak citizen with the permanent residence in Slovakia or a foreigner with a permanent or temporary residence in Slovakia,
an organisation/company with the seat in Slovakia.
A request must be submitted using an official form, at a Foreign department corresponding to the inviting person's place of residence or to the seat of the inviting organisation. The inviting person has to submit:
Documents submitted with the application cannot be older than 90 days (except for a document proving a family relationship). The police officer in charge will carry out an interview with the inviting person concerning the relation with the invited person, the purpose of his/her stay etc.
Fee for the request to verify an invitation: 33 EUR
The Foreign Police department issues a confirmation upon submission of the request and verifies the invitation within 15 days. The verified invitation is valid for 90 days.